Rut of KfarGanot

Monday 31 December 2012

Are you saying bad things about my Dad?

18 Tevet
Sextus took his leave this morning. He has patients waiting in KfarNahum. The little gang and I overheard him talking to Rabbi Moshe at the gate.

"Thank you again for agreeing to teach me to read Hebrew. I would like to start soon. Are you sure you don't want any payment other than for me to teach the boys to read Greek?"

"I was going to do it myself, but it would be so much easier for me if you could do it. Besides, you have much more experience of business terminology than I do. Theological Greek will only get them so far..."

It was too much for Shmuli. "Why do grown-ups always decide hard stuff for us to do without asking? Dad doesn't read Greek an' he's a clever business man!" he pouted.

"Maybe he would have done even better if he'd read Greek." Ira offered

"Are you saying bad things about my Dad..." Shmuli flushed with anger

"No... No...! Shmuli!"

"STOP IT AT ONCE!" I heard myself shout. I thought they might come to blows. "Behave this instant. What would your father say?"

The boys went very quiet. We could hear Shmuel whistling as he walked through the orchard on his way back from the fields.

"Don't tell him, please Mum."

"Not if you promise not to fight."

"OK, I promise." He put his arm around Ira's shoulder and they trotted off to meet Shmuel at the gate.

Sunday 30 December 2012

Why do some people talk funny?

17 Tevet
As I was getting Rivkah ready for bed last night she asked me why some grownups talk "funny". I asked her what she meant.
"Well, Sextus says his words funny and sometimes he says strange words and I don't know what they mean."
Apart from the occasional Roman or Greek at the market, Rivkah hasn't met many foreigners. It made me realise we need to make sure the children can get by in Greek and possibly even Latin. I grew up near a Roman settlement and all my family are at ease with other languages. Even so, I told Rivkah, I expect the Greeks and Romans think we speak funny too. This morning, I found her asking Sextus how to say things in his "funny words". She found it quite amusing. He speaks our tongue quite well, but he only learned it after coming to the Galil as an adult so I guess he'll always have a Roman accent. Most men around here are fluent in Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek. Many have Latin as well. They couldn't do business without Greek at least. With women it's usually a matter of need. Most of them can count and deal with money, but conversation is unnecessary so they rarely bother. Rabbi Moshe has offered Sextus Hebrew lessons so he can read Torah. I don't know if he is taking him up on it, but I know his main knowledge of Scripture is from the Greek they read on Shabbat in the Migdal synagogue

Friday 28 December 2012

Two boys take a dip in the Tiber

15 Tevet
After all the fuss yesterday, I forgot to mention that Sextus arrived in KfarGanot very late. I had just about finished writing and I had to sort him out a place to sleep.
He laughed when I told him about our day as we shared breakfast and he commiserated with Shmuli about his obvious discomfort. He remembered a time when he was a lad. He had spent the day playing truant with his older brother. They knew they were in for a beating so they thought they'd make the most of it. They had "borrowed" a rowing boat and gone for a trip on the Tiber. They found it exciting seeing the ships loading and unloading and coming in and out of the port. Like small boys everywhere, they had no concept of danger. They were admiring a very beautiful ship that they thought must belong to the emperor and did not notice an approaching cargo vessel. They became caught in the wake and capsized. If it had not been for the vigilance of one of the Emperor's guards they would have drowned. They were not strong swimmers and the shipping lanes are no place for taking a dip.
The guard threw them a rope and hauled them aboard. It was fortunate he recognised them because of their father or they would have been taken in front of the magistrate. He let them go with a warning and made them promise not to tell anyone. He still remembers the walloping he received from his schoolmaster for truanting, which was followed by another for not telling where he had been. He told Shmuli to bear his discipline like a man and it would make him wise.

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Storm damage

13 Tevet
I really felt sorry for little Galit today. He had obviously been crying. He pretended to smile as he arrived with the bread, but he didn't join in with the meal as he usually would. He was convinced his baker friend has died. He wanted to find out if Reuven knows what has happened. We're not expecting anyone from Migdal to collect the weaving until next week so I don't know how we could find anything out for him.
As it turned out I had no time to worry about it. It must have been mid morning when we heard the unmistakable sound of a shofar! The recent rain and wind had taken their toll and part of Rabbi Moshe's roof had collapsed. Everyone dropped what they were doing to rescue his treasures and our precious Torah scroll. Fortunately, the scroll itself was unharmed and Uncle Shaul took charge of it. It took the best part of the day to deal with everything. We will have another lodger for a few days until the men can make the repairs but it's a pleasure he tells such wonderful stories. We were so busy I did not notice for some time that the little gang were nowhere to be seen.

Monday 24 December 2012

Sextus the Sadducee

11 Tevet
Breakfast was interesting. I felt I had to apologise to Sextus. He must have thought me terribly ungrateful. He had saved my life and I had rewarded him by keeping him at arm's length. He said he just thought I was shy. It used to make him smile the way I would keep the table between us when he visited. Thinking back, it never occurred to me that nobody else seemed in the least uncomfortable with him.
I just kept turning it over and over in my mind trying to think if there was anything I had missed.
Finally Sextus said, "If it's any consolation, Miriam didn't find out I was a Jew until I had been working for her for two years. She caught me wearing tzit tzit on the day of Atonement. That was all my family ever did that was remotely Jewish. I must admit, my eating habits have changed since I came to the Galil and I'm healthier for it too!"
I can't say I felt very consoled, but I was intrigued about his family's approach to our faith. It seems they follow the Sadducean tradition, they do not believe in the resurrection so, unless they really want to there's no real reason to follow traditions. In Rome there are many who don't really have a belief in a deity of any kind but go through the motions to keep the authorities happy. His father, a man of science, did not believe in any power outside of the emperor but he did acknowledge HaShem once a year, "just in case." It was people like me, he told us that has made him question his beliefs.
I could have talked to him all day, but he had to continue his journey and we all had work to do. He promised to return later in the week on his way home. After saddling his horse, he left in the direction of the Rabbi's house. If he's having a crisis of faith, I can think of no one better to talk to, can you?

Sunday 23 December 2012

I was so embarrassed!

10 Tevet
You know, I'd never thought about Dr Sextus before. I mean I'd always thought of him as a Roman. His family are Roman citizens and they are well connected with the Roman aristocracy. When he came to call today on his way to the coast, he sat talking to Shmuel for a while and then to my amazement my husband asked him to dinner! Shmuel is not in the habit of dining with Gentiles, I was truly shocked.
"What do you mean, he's coming to dinner?"
"I thought you liked him..."
"Yes, but...but he's not one of us."
"Whatever do you mean..." began Shmuel "Oh,I see!" he laughed "Being a Roman doesn't mean he can't be Jewish! Do you really think I'd have let him near you if he was not of our people? I don't think he was very religious back then, but lately he has been questioning his position. He has seen to many people who should have died suddenly recovering. It is either a case of him losing his touch or that HaShem is real. He doesn't think he can be that wrong."
Well! All this time, I have been polite when he called and tried to keep a respectful distance because I felt uneasy having a Gentle Roman in my house... afraid I might say or do something that would get us into trouble... and I now find out the man is a Jew! What's more, Shmuel thought I knew. If does explain why Devorah accepted him. Still, you would have thought someone could have given me a hint!
Shmuel thought it was hilarious. I didn't. I was so embarrassed. I was quietly angry at my husband too. How could he not tell me? Didn't he realise how I felt, being treated by a strange man in my condition? If I'd known he was a Hebrew I could have been spared some of the anguish!
In the end, Sextus stayed the night and after everyone else had gone to bed, Shmuel asked me why I was being so frosty with him.
"Honestly, Honey, I really thought you knew. I am sorry you must have felt awful." He gazed at me with those big brown eyes of his. When he looks at me like that I can't be angry, "Let's kiss and make up...

Friday 21 December 2012

The rain is relentless today

8 Tevet
The rain keeps coming. Shmuel is worried that the far field will flood. We have flocks there all winter. The hired hands are complaining that their accommodation is damp. Last year we had no worries about employees, we could not afford them. Affluence brings its own challenges and responsibilities. The menfolk have been out in the elements all day trying to fix the accommodation and see to the stream. I just found out the boys have been diverting the stream. Shmuli has arrived home chilled to the bone and soaking wet. Shabbat will be starting soon but I can't risk him having a cold bath, I've set him up in the kitchen before the fire. Rivkah is teasing him from behind the curtain, she said this strange creature can't be Shmuli, it's black, it's too smelly even for a grubby brother too!
Tonight we will have chicken and lentil soup, piping hot. I've made dumplings too. I don't know what it is about dumplings but they make it all seem so much more warming.

Thursday 20 December 2012

Crisis over... the twins are getting better

7 Tevet
Miri arrived before breakfast to see how her patients were doing. We had all slept soundly last night much to Shmuel's relief. The babies are still snuffly and Zippi was still off her food but they are much better than yesterday. Miri has concentrated hard on following Devorah's instructions to the letter. It is lovely to see. By the end of the day she had them giggling at funny faces and almost back to their usual sunny selves. She must have been tired but she didn't show it, bless her. I'm sure she will be a worthy successor to Devorah.
It has been raining heavily for the time of year, in fact, Shmuel told me that the stream in the far field that usually only runs in the spring is full already. It's going to be a muddy winter for sure.

Wednesday 19 December 2012

I sound just like my mother, it's scary

5 Tevet
I understand lra, the new little boy, loves crispy things. The boys took him to KfarNahum yesterday. Shmuli says he needs some more cheering up though. I think he has something planned, I hope it's not mischief. Really, I do sound like my mother when I say that, it's scary.

My sister and I used to get into so much mischief. We would do all kinds of things girls shouldn't do. I remember the time we were caught having a mud fight on the stream that ran alongside our farm. My seat still stings when I remember the discipline applied in Abba's workshop. Another time - I must have been about Rivkah's age - I got stuck in a palm tree trying to pick dates. I had no idea how to get down! Abba left me there to contemplate my behaviour before getting one of the older boys to climb up and lower me down on a rope. He didn't need to use his usual medicine as he called it, he knew I was feeling humiliated enough. I never tried climbing a date palm again. Remembering all this, I feel slightly guilty that I get cross with Shmuli and Rivkah, but I suppose all children have to learn the same lessons. That feeling departed very quickly though, Shmuli came home covered in date syrup from helping Galit cook lukka (donuts) for Ira to cheer him up. I think, by the state of him, he helped eat them too!

Monday 17 December 2012

We all chip in with supplies

4 Tevet
Our guests have moved into Eli's house this afternoon. We have all donated furniture, pots and pans, clothes, all kinds of things. Those off us who are doing so well financially donated food for their stores since winter is upon us and they have had no chance to save anything. I do hope they soon get comfortable. I don't know how they will get established in the dyeing business, it's the wrong time of year to gather plants. Reuven has paid their rent but money will still be very tight.

Sunday 16 December 2012

Reuel's burden

3 Tevet
The new family stayed with us yesterday for Shabbat. The children spent time together. I noticed that the little boy was very quiet. Dinah told me she is worried about him, he has hardly spoken since they had to leave BeitAnya and he often cries himself to sleep. We all went to Yov and Vered's last night and the new children got to light some lights in the balcony, their little faces were a picture.
Today, we have been helping Eli pack up his things. He invited Reuel and Yov to visit him this evening at Eliyahu's. They have a lot in common. I talked with Reuel yesterday and I know that he feels guilty about what has happened to his family because of him. I hope Yov and Eli can give him some encouragement. I hope living in a town where we have taken Yeshua to our hearts will do the whole family good.

Tuesday 11 December 2012

More partying at Yov's house

27 Kislef
It never ceases to amaze me how children don't feel tired when they are having fun. The day after, though, is another story. Yesterday, my two fell asleep at very turn so they were told to turn in as soon as they returned from Yov's house. Shmuli wanted to write his diary, but Dad said it would have to wait, sleep was the most important thing. Rivkah fell asleep mid moan and Shmuel carried her to her bed. He told Shmuli that he would have to get himself there under his own steam. I think he must have had his eyes closed, he knocked over the lampstand on his way, fortunately I had not got round to lighting it yet.
They were still a bit bleary eyed today, but I promised them something nice for dinner if they were good. That seemed to keep them motivated all day. I kept my promise and cooked southern fried chicken. Sadly, there were no baskets but the washing up was a small price to pay to see contented smiles all round.

We all went over to see Yov and Vered afterwards and Shmuel treated us all to one of his stories from Torah afterwards. We had Noah and the flood with the audience doing sound effects... wind...rain... mighty waves...

Then we got to singing as we always do, psalms mostly, interspersed with children's songs with plenty of actions. We sang all the old favourites and learned a couple of new ones Yov had learned in the south in his younger days. We got quite carried away with one about Solomon building the Temple. For the life of me I can't remember the words. But I do remember it involved cutting the stone, carving the stone and building layer on layer. It was fun but we all got to bed very late again. Oh well, I'd better get on, I guess we'll be doing it all over again tonight.

Monday 10 December 2012

singing round the camp fire

26 Kislef

There was a lot of tidying up to do last night but Yov said it was all in hand. He gave the women the night off. The children gathered up the dirty picnic baskets and had an "after party party" around a bonfire. They sang songs about the stars and the great outdoors, toasted bread on sticks to dip in seasoned oil and roasted nuts and grain. It was something very different from anything they had done before. Apparently the sheep shearing gangs do this sort of thing every night when they are traveling round. Yov called it gathering round the camp fire. They loved it!

I gather the men did the all the washing up, well, it is according to Scripture. There's something about Yov, if he suggests something, people just do it. He's not pushy or anything like that, he can even get my Shmuel to wash dishes! I wonder what his secret is?

Saturday 8 December 2012

cooking is not women's work!

24 Kislef
The children are so excited! They are having a party tomorrow with special food. I can't wait to see what Galit's cooked up, he's quite a talented baker. I don't know where he gets the time but Azuvah says he's always cooking for the family, too. His father says it's women's work but Galit was obviously listening in school. He informed his Dad one mealtime that the Priests and Levites bake bread and cook meat and lots of men in the Scriptures cooked too! Apparently he had no answer for that. Anyway, he likes the money he brings in.
Then, of course, there's Rivkah and Miri's contribution. Yemimah promises me that its potential to be a burnt offering is now past. The girls prepare the patties and she deals with the hot oil. Rivkah pouted and sulked a little when told her she could not start work on the vegetables today. She will just have to learn to be patient!

Thursday 6 December 2012

Honey, should I grow a beard?

22 Kislef
With Shmuel working so much in his basket shed, he has taken to popping in for a snack every now and then. I was feeding Nat when he arrived this morning so he sat Zippi on his lap as he tucked into a plate of bread and pickles. Zippi, who puts just about everything in her mouth as babies do, tried a piece of bread. She seemed content with that, and we fell into conversation.
"Honey, do you think I should grow a beard?" Shmuel asked rubbing his chin, "It would save me a good few minutes each day."
"What brought that on?"
"I just thought that it might make me look more distinguished, and besides, I'm the only elder without one"
What could I say? I had never known Shmuel with a beard He said it was much easier to make baskets without one since on at least one occasion as a youth he had woven himself into the fabric. By all accounts, he's the type of man who could grow a fine beard in quite a short time. It is true he does shave twice a day which is time consuming. I would miss his boyish good looks though.
"I..." I was cut short by a loud shriek. Zippi had grown tired of her piece of bread and found one of Shmuel's locks and given it a hefty tug.
"Never mind! Being clean shaven has its upside." Shmuel declared" And it's not all about the practicalities of basket weaving!"

Wednesday 5 December 2012

who's digging who with whose elbow?

21 Kislef

It's been an odd sort of day, Shmuli and his friends have been making baskets for the party. You know, the kind of baskets you eat out of on a picnic. It seems that Shmuel told them that they would be responsible for the washing up, and they had decided that disposable dishes would be far better option. What they hadn't realised was they would have to make the disposable dishes! Still, they knew how to make them because they been doing that for their food business.

Shmuel allowed to use the corner of his basket shed for the project. Every time I passed the door I could hear moaning, grumbling or shouting as they argued very loudly with each other about who was doing the best job?… Who had made the most baskets?… Or who was digging who with whose elbow?… You can imagine the sort of thing. I had to laugh but I tried to keep it to myself. By the end of the afternoon, there was a good pile of little baskets made of palm fronds waiting for Shmuel's inspection.
I could not help myself, I peered through a crack in the door as the inspection took place. Mu husband looked extremely serious, pursing his lips and “tutting” a lot while the little boys looked on wide eyed. Finally, he said,
“Hmmm..., I think they’ll do. Have you thought about going into business making disposable plates?”
“Aw, Dad...” Shmuli moaned, “its too much like hard work!”
“Only joking!” Dad grinned “These will be fine for the party, I hope you all have a great time, you deserve it!”

Sunday 2 December 2012

Rivkah wants a party

18 Kislef
Rivkah asked me if we can have a party next week. She said that everyone needs cheering up and it will be Dedication. She said Miri had asked her mum and that Auntie Hadassah had said it was a great idea. When I asked Hadassah, she said she didn't think she could do much about it because she has been feeling somewhat queasy recently. At that she grinned.
"Yeshua told us it would happen. Danni's so pleased!"
She is exactly where I was this time last year! I am so happy for them.
She promised to help as much as she could if we have it here. I said I'd ask Shmuel. I'm not sure about the adults but I think a children's party would be great fun and maybe it will keep the "little gang" out of mischief.

Saturday 1 December 2012

Shabbat Shalom

17 Kislef
Wow. SHABBAT!!! At last... With poor old Silas being so sick last week, I didn't really get a day off, but this week, I can. I'm looking after Milkah's baby for a couple of hours in the morning, but he goes in the baby cage with the twins so he's no trouble. Anyway, after milking and feeding the chickens, Rivkah is back home to play with him. She has been spoiling him a bit. She made him a rattle out of a dried pomegranate and he loves it. With Zippi and Nat one more seems to make little difference and its only for a short time.
Shmuel was late back from synagogue today, but he's still being mysterious. It's something to do with Reuven, but I can't get him to tell me anything. Men can be so frustrating! I think he is being mischievous, it's the way he grins and winks. I hope it's something nice!
OH I almost forgot! It's only one week till dedication I must be ready for lighting the lights. I do hope the boys have not planned such a messy surprise this year!

Friday 30 November 2012

What a busy week!

16 Kislef
What a busy week! I don't feel that I have done much though. I mean, nothing business wise. The nearest I got was draught proofing the weaving shed with discarded fleece and old rags. The wind has been quite chilly of late and it does affect your work when you are shivering.
I tried to get Shmuel to tell me what Reuven wanted, but he just said I'd find out soon enough. He's been spending a lot of time with his baskets lately, even making them by lamplight as we share our stories from the day. It must have something to do with that. He does have a habit of keeping me guessing. He enjoys giving me hints that give nothing away. I did eventually get him to say that I'd see more of him I if it worked out, but that tells me nothing really, he's always under my feet as it is!

Thursday 29 November 2012

The Kings fringe

15 Kislef
I didn't have to wait long to find out what Reuven thought about the king and the funeral. He sent Yonah with a message for Shmuel and a little gossip for me. I don’t know what he wanted with Shmuel, he wasn’t saying, but the gossip was sweet. One of the women from Migdal who had processed the order for the palace had come to the funeral. She remembered the cloak because of it’s quality. She had noticed that King Herod had had a fringe added. Well, of course, he had every right to add one - a royal one. There is a fringe only a King can wear, just as Rabbis have special ones. Yonah wondered if Reuven could advertise the garments “as worn by the king...” but I doubt it, Herod might not take kindly to having his name used like that!
He asked if we had seen Rabbi Yeshua, some friends of his mistress (Miriam of Migdal) wanted him to hurry to Yerushalayim as their brother was ill and may be dying. I was so sorry to have to say that I had no idea, all we knew was that he had left KfarNahum last week.

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Chava is quite a celebrity

14 Kislef
Azuvah wasted no time she has been telling everyone about the king! It seems that she also saw him wearing the cloak. One of her little ones had tripped and grazed his knee so she stopped to see to him by the roadside. She saw "the cloak walk by" as she put it. As she glanced up to see who was wearing it she had a fright. She fell on her face and did not dare move!
Chava is so embarrassed she stayed in our yard all day I could not coax her out. I was able to confirm to Aunt Tirzah that the story was true when she came to the weaving shed this afternoon. That meant the whole tale did the rounds all over again and that Chava is now quite a celebrity. I hope she will feel less shy about it tomorrow.
Milkah will be staying home for the first week of mourning. That is the duty of a daughter in law. Vered and Hadassah took their turns sitting with them today. The old lady is very tearful, but she is grateful to have Eli there. I minded the baby for a while this morning, I think the adults appreciate the break, though it is good to have a youngster around as a reminder that life goes on.
I wonder what Reuven will have to say when see him next...

Tuesday 27 November 2012

The king walked beside us. We were scared to death!

13 Kislef
KfarGanot is a small place. Everyone was involved in the funeral procession. Women always go first, then the pallbearers, followed by the men and musicians. Anyone else, not closely involved follows afterwards. I came to be at the back with Chava and two of her sisters as we were minding the toddlers and babies. That's how we witnessed a strange event.
We could see the men ahead of us jostling to carry Old Silas to the resting place of his fathers. We could not hear the tributes paid along the way, but there were many. As we got down the hill, some soldiers approached on horseback but instead of ordering us off the road as they usually did, they waited in silence. We were right at the back as I said. Imagine our surprise that we actually saw King Herod (Antipas) get out of his carriage and walk beside us. We did not know where to look. I had heard stories that he would do this, but had not really believed them. We were scared to death, as well we might be, you don't look at the king! He might have you flogged or worse. We held the children tight. He was so close we could see what he was wearing. It was unmistakable. I recognized it instantly. It was the cloak Chava had made! The one Reuven had liked so much. Chava saw it too. Who would believe it if told them?

Sunday 25 November 2012

Silas has died. An old man who has fulfilled his years

11 Kislef
I was awoken this morning by the unmistakable sound of mourning. Rivkah and Shmuli came to get into bed with me. We just held each other close. There is something about that sound that is so final. My heart went out to Eliyahu and his family. Shmuel came back from Eliyahu's goats as the rest of us were getting up. He had gone out to them early so that Shmuli would not be out there alone when the mourners took up their cry.
He just said, "It's over."
"I'll go and fetch the baby straight after breakfast" I told him.
"OK, Honey. Where's Chava?"
"Azuvah is first on the list to sit with the family. I expect she's dealing with family stuff."
Just then, Chava arrived with a rather tearful Lud and one of her mother's little ones.
"I hope you don't mind..."
"No. We'll just have a creche here like we always do."
The little girl climbed up on Shmuel's knee and have him a big wet kiss.
"She does that to everyone " Chava apologised, "You can see why mother couldn't take her to Eliyahu's"
"She'll be fine here." laughed Shmuel giving her some bread dipped in honey, "Let's get on with the chores is going to be a busy day."

Friday 23 November 2012

Old Silas is fading fast

9 Kislef

Sorry this is short. Old Silas is fading fast. We have been taking turns to help the family out. I have been babysitting all day. Caring for three takes it out of you a bit. I did not realise how stretched I was, even with Chava to help. Still, we are finally ready for Shabbat. I can rest then.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

I do believe Yov winked at me!

6 Kislef

You know how it is with newly weds, they have more interesting things on their minds than cooking and chores. I thought it would be nice to call in with some food... bread and something for their dinner. Perhaps I might be able to get a peek at what all the secrecy was about. That was not why I went, you understand, but I did hope... Anyway, I packed up my gift and went over. I knocked on the door which was answered by Yov who said he was just on his way out. I'm sure he winked at me as I went in.
To my surprise, Aunt Tirzah, Hadassah, Yemimah and Devorah were already there! There was a pile of flat bread on the table and pots of stew by the stove. As I was taking all this in, Azuvah arrived wanting to know where Yov was off to in such a hurry.
Vered just laughed and we visitors all looked at the floor. It was that obvious. We had driven him out of his own home. A well mannered man would be obliged to step outside in our company!
"We wondered how long it would take you," she teased, "We are amazed at your strength of will!"
Well really! But that's Vered for you. Straight to the point.
"I suppose you want a guided tour?"
We supposed we did.
"Well, this is the kitchen..."
"Where's all your pots and pans?" asked Azuvah, always the practical one
"In here," Vered opened a door and revealed a cupboard you could walk into with shelves all round the walls. All her kitchen stuff was stacked neatly out of sight until she needed it.
"Town houses have walk in cupboards like this in every room. I think they call them closets. Ya'akov put one in each of our rooms here too."
"In the bedroom?" said Aunt Tirzah open-mouthed
"Of course, is great to keep clothes and shoes in!"
The bedroom, well I doubt Herod himself has a nicer one. The bed, draped with curtains stood in the middle. Not like in our house in a niche in the wall. On the bed was my bedspread and a silk cushion. I recognized the pattern... it was one I wove for Reuven when I was with the co op. The window... the room had a window... looked out over Kinneret. It had a curtain and a wooden shutter for the winter.
"There is more..." Vered began
We gasped as one. We had been aware that Yov had built a room on the roof but from the village it was not clear why. The house stood on the edge of a steep drop so we could not see the other side.
We made our way upstairs, there was another bedroom similar to the first and a balcony with a stupendous view right across Kinneret. The recent rain had brought an end to the haze that shrouds the lake in summer. It was stunning! There was a framework of beams to grow a vine or two next year, but for now, woollen tent material was providing the shade. We were speechless.
Vered insisted we stay for lunch, after all she had a kitchen full of food and she and Yov would never be able to eat it all on their own.
Just then, Yov, Shmuel and Danni arrived with the children.
They had a good laugh at our expense but, then, I suppose we deserved it!

Monday 19 November 2012

Old Silas calls for the Elders

5 Kislef

Old Silas called all the elders to see him this morning. They prayed with him and talked as he drifted in and out of sleep. Shmuel said he feels the old man will not be with us much longer. Rabbi Moshe and Eli stayed at the house to witness his blessings. As Shmuel and Danni left the family went in to see him. He had also requested that the little gang and their fathers call round this afternoon. Shmuli looked worried. He wondered what naughty thing they could have done. He really likes Silas and he thought he liked them. I wonder what makes little boys fear the worst like that?

Sunday 18 November 2012

Yeshua came to supper

4 Kislef

I think I mentioned that Rabbi Yeshua came to the wedding. Well, he stayed on to spend time with Rabbi Moshe. He was at synagogue yesterday so Shmuel asked him to dinner. He arrived shortly after the end of Shabbat. I invited Hadassah to bring her family so they brought their supper over and we turned it into a party. The children hung on Yeshua's every word. The girls began to tell him how they spent the night with the bride to be.
"What did you take with you?" he asked
"We took lamps!" exclaimed Miri, "just like the big girls!"
"And did you take anything else?"
"Um..." Rivkah looked thoughtful,
"What makes a lamp work?" prompted Yemimah
"Ooh! I know!" Miri was fit to burst "Oil! Grandma made me take a jar of oil!"
"That was very wise of Grandma." Yeshua smiled. "That reminds me of a story."
We were all ears...

After supper, just as I was about to clear away the dishes, Yeshua told me to wait.
"I think you have a story to share?"
"I do?"
"I tried to call on you the other day but you had banned everyone from the house!"
It was true, I had. When putting my symbols of marriage away after the wedding I had discovered one of the coins was missing. It had been my mother's and would one day be Rivkah's. I had swept the house from top to bottom until I found it in the corner by the oven where it must have rolled. It took me hours I was already embarrassed, but even more so now that I knew he had tried to visit!
I flushed and stammered as I explained what had happened. I told him how overjoyed I was and that I had run round to Auntie and Hadassah and my neighbors to tell them all about it.
"It's just like that when a sinner truly repents," he explained, "The angels get really excited and tell each other the good news."
Imagine that... I always thought angels were solemn and serious!

Saturday 17 November 2012

Vered is a formidable woman

3 Kislef

I am just sitting here after lunch thinking that it was a terrific wedding. Despite organising so much of what went on I did get time to join in. Miriam of Migdal arranged for some people to wait table which took some of the pressure off. It was her gift to Vered. She wanted to "bless a talented weaver" she said. Anyway, we witnessed the wedding as best we could because of the crush. Then to the feast... every available space in Uncle's house... the tent... the roof was taken. Shmuel and I were close enough to hear the speeches. Typical wedding speeches you know the sort of thing, people doing their best to make the bride or groom blush. There were plenty of speeches, one I remember was from one of Yov's cousins. He said,
"I remember Yov being a very headstrong young man. We used to say it would take a very formidable woman to domesticate him."
"She's certainly that!" interjected Uncle Shaul rather too loudly.
You should have seen the look my aunt have him. The whole place erupted with laughter!
Everyone was quite merry by then and
after that the dancing began. Shmuel and Shmuli, Danni and Yoshi and a few others joined Rabbi Moshe providing the music. It went on late into the night and the dancers reeled and swayed as we waited for news from the marital chamber. I don't recall when that came exactly, I woke up to feed the twins in the small hours to find I was asleep in my aunt's back room! I had obviously gone there to feed them some hours before and had nodded off! The music had stopped by then. As I said it was a terrific wedding!

Friday 16 November 2012

Yov was overwhelmed

2 Kislef

We were incredibly busy yesterday but I will fill you in on the highlights. The maidens accompanying the bride included my little Rivkah. She and Miri looked lovely, dressed in their best following the bride and groom as they left Hadassah's house to go to the wedding. Miri had never been to a wedding but you'd never have guessed. They had waited all night with Vered and not fallen asleep...much. Hadassah later told me that the young women had been on their best behaviour because of the children... Not a bit like us, when we were younger we spent a few nights with brides in waiting and I remember what we talked about. Perhaps she dozed off...

Enough of that. Yov was overwhelmed by the number of family who turned up. He was completely unaware they were coming. The place was packed. Not only that Rabbi Yeshua was here with the Talmidim, it seems some of them are family to Yov and they invited the others. He travels with so many people but thankfully they did not all come or we may have had another wine crisis! Suffice to say everyone was extremely merry by the time the speeches began...

Thursday 15 November 2012

It's the wedding we're so busy!

Kislef 1

I'm off to Aunt Tirzah's in a minute. It was chaos this morning with everyone trying to eat and get on with the chores. We had Grandma Miriam's porridge as it was easy and everyone took Galit's bread out with them. They were to be back as soon possible. We have hired extra help for the next few days especially for Yov and Vered's farm. They will have other things on their mind for the next few days! Devorah and I are organizing things while Aunt Tirzah takes charge of the young women attends to her daughter’s outfit. Yov has at last removed the rope from around the house, but we are far too busy to indulge our curiosity. I don’t suppose I will get much time to tell you all about it today, so you will have to be patient. I will say though, that if we run out of wine this time everyone will be too drunk to move.
I’d better dash, I’m late and Yov’s family are arriving from Migdal where they have been staying. I’m not sure, but I thought I saw Mattiyahu and Kepha among them... I may be wrong, but perhaps Rabbi Yeshua might turn up. Yov would love that!
“OK Shmuel, I’m going now...!”

Tuesday 13 November 2012

The bread was late

28 Cheshvan

I don't know what happened this morning. Lud was late with the bread. Galit has been sending him the last few mornings as he gets the delivery ready for KfarNahum. That meant Shmuli left late and everyone was running behind. I hope the bread got to Avner in time, they are doing a roaring trade in breakfasts for Roman soldiers these days, so I hear. They must be, since the money the boys are earning seems to be an awful lot. Shmuel has had to get a bigger jar and Shmuli is rapidly filling his dad's old one.
I must get on have a lot of catching up to do. Sorry it is sort today, but there's a wedding...

For more see

Monday 12 November 2012

We're getting ready for a wedding

27 Cheshvan

We are getting ready for the wedding! The tent is up and we have been laying straw on the ground so that we can put carpets on top. The younger girls had fast fun trampling it down to make the ground level. There will be cushions and hangings too, particularly where the guests of honor sit, but we shall finish all that off later. For the feast itself, the tent will be open at the sides, but Uncle insists we close it up at night, he wants the best for his daughter.
It is not going to be a conventional wedding. It is being held at the bride's home, at least, the feast is. I believe the chuppah will be set up at Yov's house though. It will be our first chance to see inside, he still has it roped off with a large notice outside that says, "No women or girls allowed!" with a quick note underneath that says "except Rivkah of course!" My daughter has really proved her ability to keep a secret. She has told me precisely nothing!

Vered has arranged to spend the night of waiting at Hadassah's so they are all coming here. She has asked for Rivkah and Miri to join the young women that night. Hadassah and I thought they were a little young, but Chava has promised to keep an eye on them, so eventually we relented. I suppose I'll have to look out my best lamp for Rivkah. We have to do it properly!

For more see

Thursday 8 November 2012

washing for Shmuli

23 Cheshvan

Shmuli fell into the mud again yesterday. I had to spend some time washing his work clothes as he is down to his last set today. I dried clothes for tomorrow by the fire- he'll most likely fall into something else today. He seems to think I won't mind if he falls on something soft. I suppose that's better than hurting himself. He was really poorly when he fell off the wall last year... my! Is that really a year ago? So much has happened. HaShem brought so many people into our lives all because of a new olive press.

Milkah told me this morning that her father in law was feeling very frail these days. He only eats broth and has a terrible cough. He refuses to let them call for Yeshua. He says the Rabbi has more important things to do than come all this way to talk to an old man. His time has come and he is ready to go.

I really feel for Eliyahu, I remember when Shmuel's father died. He has a lot of responsibility to take on. It can't be easy as Silas gets more sick as the days go by.

For more see

Wednesday 7 November 2012

A song to HaShem

22 Cheshvan

I managed to get away for a few minutes this afternoon. Aunt Tirzah had forgotten to bring her needle box, so I offered to fetch it. It was a welcome relief from standing at the loom reaching up high for hours on end. As I crossed the square I was struck by the sound of work in progress. Women were singing traditional rhythmic weaving songs and the men singing as they worked in the fields. I could hear their deep voices echo back from across the valley.
"We plough the fields and sow the seed HaShem will send the rain
If we are faithful in our part
He'll assure the grain..."
And the women answer from the weaving sheds,
"The yarn,we send it to and fro
to and fro, to and fro
The yarn we send it to and fro
And keep the tension even ..."

Then the girls chimed in with nursery rhymes for the little ones. It was a magical moment. One of those times that make life special and worth all the hardships.
What if the angels are singing too as they work?...
I had to tear myself away. I had work to do and a song to sing. What a privilege to be part of it all.

For more go to

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Let's get weaving

21 Cheshvan

The women are spending every spare minute weaving while everyone else who is fit and able able is ploughing and sowing like crazy in an effort to catch up and get the barley planted. How did we all get so behind? It's not just us, it's everybody. We have a creche at our house and we have just about every small child in KfarGanot in my kitchen! Mothers are turning up periodically to feed their offspring while young girls like Miri and Rivkah babysit. It's chaos! On top of that Yov and Vered are getting married next week. Uncle Shaul took delivery of a tent yesterday as he is worried about the weather and he won't get all the guests in his house even though it is by far the largest in the village. Someone ifs going to have to find time to erect it and get everything ready. Aunt Tirzah tells me that many of Yov's family will be coming he hasn't seen them for years. That is a surprise Uncle has arranged. He has fifty cousins, she says, not to mention their wives and children! I'm sure she's exaggerating, it wouldn't be the first time. But it is going to be a big event!

Sunday 4 November 2012

boys or business men or both?

19 Cheshvan
Well, Shmuli reminded us he's still a boy yesterday. It resulted in Shmuel applying some discipline in the traditional way. I heard that Yoshi, Galit and Lud had appointments with their fathers too. They had been caught using the olive mats to slide downhill on a muddy slope. I had to laugh but managed to wait till I was alone. I doubt either Shmuel or Shmuli found it at all funny.
They spent the day fixing the roof and I sorted the wardrobe. Shmuli didn't enjoy trying things on much, he never does, but Rivkah loved it. She is helping making winter baby clothes in various sizes, they will grow quite a lot over the coming months. As I tried my winter robes I couldn't help noticing I now have a waist again after all these months. I have been so busy I hadn't noticed how trim I have become!
I tried to ask Shmuel about Silas, I had heard Rabbi Yeshua is in KfarNahum. He didn't say much, but I gather the old man does not want us to trouble him. He says he is more than four score years old and HaShem has given him more years than most men. If his time has come, he is ready. Milkah didn't come today so I can't tell you anything else. I will let you know if I hear.
For more, see

Saturday 3 November 2012

Don't wait up

18 Cheshvan
Shabbat Shalom! For us as a family it was a quiet day. There was, I thought, a slight chill in the air first thing and a bit of a rain shower, but it didn't last for long. I heard this afternoon that Old Silas is not doing so well. The damp did not sit well on his chest despite Dr Sextus's remedies. He has asked for the elders to visit him and pray this evening. They are going after supper. Shmuel told us not to wait up. I do hope he will be all right.

For more, see

Friday 2 November 2012

check the wardrobe for winter oh! and don't forget the roof

17 Cheshvan
We finally finished pickling and salting. Not a moment too soon. We had our first shower of rain today. Just a hint, mind you, but a reminder that we need to get the ploughing under way. It never stops. Always something to do on a farm. I will check the winter wardrobe after Shabbat. I think Shmuli and Rivkah will need their clothes adjusted. They have grown so much in the last twelve months. Still, I left plenty of room for growth last year so it should not be difficult. Shmuel said he would check the roof on the first day next week- he doesn't want a repeat of last year's disaster!

For more, see

Thursday 1 November 2012

Herod wants Galilean goods

16 Cheshvan
Miriam left for KfarNahum after lunch. She purchased a couple of jars of the pickles she had helped make. I really do think she enjoyed the visit. I assured her we would be weaving again soon. I don't think I mentioned that she told us Reuven had sold all our goods for an excellent price and that he had secured orders from the palace of Herod himself! It seems that they want traditional Galilean garments as well as luxury goods. They are very popular among the Roman soldiers as as they are good protection against wind and rain. I never realised that. All our men are well kitted out for winter and it seems the Romans will pay good money for such clothes. I am sure Chava can cope with this order with a little help from Hadassah and I.
For more, see

Monday 29 October 2012

Miriam thinks this is fun

12 Cheshvan
We have a system now. Chava and Rivkah get the food ready and I finish the process. The twins are safe in the baby cage so my hands are free. I must admit I really welcome the chance to sit down when I feed them. I could have done without the surprise visit from Miriam of Migdal this afternoon. I must admit she made herself useful preparing the pots and jars, but I would rather have been able to entertain her properly.
She said this side of domestic life was new to her and she said she was having fun! That's not what I'd call it. If I don't do this, we'll starve this winter. She stayed for dinner, well, she cooked it. Then she stayed the night. I think she is impressed with the little gang's new business. She and Shmuli talked for over an hour despite him looking so weary.

For more, see

Sunday 28 October 2012

Cabbages and pickled cucumber

12 Cheshvan

Chava is back! Am I glad about that! She took one look at my kitchen and shook her head. Then she took charge. She's not yet fourteen but she reminds me of her mother. She knew exactly what to do. By lunchtime, she and Rivkah had all the root vegetables and onions in the store shed, checked for damage and properly laid out. Those with blemishes were peeled, choppedand ready for pickling by the end of the afternoon. I dealt with the fruit and began pickling and salting the cabbages. I can now see the kitchen floor and I was able to make a hearty vegetable stew for dinner. I am worn out, but the house looks much more like a home and much less like a greengrocer's.
Shmuli has been busy all day, doing business in KfarNahum, helping with the olives and what I can only describe as trying to supervise the women.
He made a lot of comments about the smell of the cabbages. He wanted to know why women and girls who don't seem to like "pongs" make them almost every day but boys who think they are great are discouraged at every turn! I offered to let him do the pickling but he said he had man's work waiting at the press and left at speed.
Oh well, I'll just have to smell of cabbages and pickled cucumber for the rest of the week.

Saturday 27 October 2012

Shabbat Shalom

11 Cheshvan
Shabbat Shalom. We have not gone near the kitchen except to get the stew and bread. After synagogue we all had a long nap. Even the twins... at least I didn't hear them. Is it has been great to be able to rest. Isn't HaShem wonderful? He thought of everything in the beginning. And rest is so much more satisfying if you feel you have earned it.
For more, see

Friday 26 October 2012

I ran out of time! Shabbat Shalom

10 Cheshvan

I am so glad it's Shabbat. I don't think I could manage another minute. It was so hectic today. My kitchen resembles a winter store shed with piles of vegetables and olives in every available space. I just ran out of time. It's not like me to be so disorganised. I don't know what happened. We do have lentil and chicken broth, and bread to eat - and fresh fruit as I prepare it early in the day.

Next week Rivkah and I will pickling, salting and storing while the men deal with the oil. As soon as the harvest is stored we learned today that there will be a wedding. Yov and Vered are getting married! The promise of a good celebration will keep me going!

Thursday 25 October 2012

I fell asleep!

9 Cheshvan

We are having to push really hard to get the olives off the trees this week. Today has been the hardest yet. We will get there in the end, I‘m sure but it just doesn‘t feel like it. I fell asleep while feeding the twins this evening. The children did the washing up and I knew nothing about it! I am so ashamed!

Don’t forget Shmuli’s story on

Wednesday 24 October 2012

It's so hard when you know someone is keeping a secret

8 Cheshvan

I think Shmuel knows what our son is up to, but he's not telling. And men say women are devious! Really! He told me that women are too inquisitive and not at all patient. He said it with a wink and his mischievous grin, so I suppose I should forgive him. I think they are enjoying keeping me guessing. I know Shmuli visited our friends in KfarNahum and took Galit with him, so I guess he knows something. Oooh, it's so hard when you know someone is keeping a secret!

Don’t forget Shmuli’s story on

Sunday 21 October 2012

All our children know where food comes from

5 Cheshvan

Back to business before dawn today. Whilst the men and boys got on with the olive harvest and pressing, the younger girls were digging up root vegetables and onions to store for winter. Vered and Aunt Tirzah kept the workers fed and watered.

Even the toddlers had something to do. I saw two little lads who must have been about three years old squatting with their five year old sister shaking the dirt of the vegetables and looking very proud of themselves. Unlike city children, all ours know where food comes from and how we need to respect the land.

Don’t forget Shmuli’s story on

Saturday 20 October 2012

Lazy Shabbat

4 Cheshvan

Shabbat is such a welcome rest this week. so much has happened. All the children are over their illnesses now and we had a nice family picnic in the orchard. It is still nice enough to sit in the hammock with the twins and when they want to play Rivkah and Shmuel had a great time entertaining them. Yesterday, just before Shabbat Shmuel presented us with a "baby cage" he had bought on his last trip to market. They will be safe while I work in the yard or house. They are not crawling yet but it won't be long. They do manage to roll into awkward places if we are not careful. Rivkah put a blanket and some toys in the cage and they seem to enjoy it if they are not left for too long.

Don’t forget Shmuli’s story on

Friday 19 October 2012

It's all go!

3 Cheshvan
It's all "go"in KfarGanot today. Hopeful casual workers were congregating in the square long before dawn.
Yov and Uncle Shaul went out to them and I think there must have been about twenty men there. For once we were in a position to employ them all. A couple of them had used a screw press before so they were very welcome.

Aunt Tirzah and I organised the food and drinks for the day. The boys got on with whatever they do that makes them so greasy and grubby by the end of the day and I must say, as always they did an excellent job! They were the greasiest and the grubbiest they have ever been!  They needed extra hard scrubbing to be clean for Shabbat!

Don't forget Shmuli's story on

Monday 15 October 2012

Back to business

29 Tishrei

For the first time in what seems like ages, the women's group met to weave, sew and make baskets. Of course, we were also finishing plans for the return of the pilgrims tomorrow. Milchah says the Greek ladies have a word for doing two things at once, (they have a word for everything, it seems). They call it "multitasking" I just call it "doing what women do best!"
As always, Aunt Tirzah is organising the women and Uncle Shaul the men. The elders will be washing the men's feet and, of course, their wives will take care of the women. It is only polite, we do it whenever we have visitors, but this time we are welcoming our own who have traveled a long way.
Milchah will be cooking her "crispy things" which have become a firm favorite with everyone. Devorah will look after Silas for the day to free her up as there is a whole village to cook for. Rivkah and Miri will look after the twins as they will have to stay away from the cooking since they have been unwell. They all seem to be ok now, but we will not take any chances it would be a shame for people to come home and to fall ill. They can feed the babies from the bottles Miriam sent if I can organise myself properly. They really enjoy that and I must admit it is nice to have a break sometimes. Don't get me wrong, it's my favorite job, but two babies can get a little much now and then! (Don't tell anyone, but even Shmuel enjoyed feeding Zippi the other night when they were poorly and would not sleep, it was only honey water, but still...)

Sunday 14 October 2012

Fattening up the chickens

28 Tishrei

Shmuli and Yoshi are feeding two of their chickens extra food in an attempt to fatten them up for the pot next week. Eli had been telling them how his father kept a chosen animal well fed for special occasions. Most people have a fatted calf we tend to have a goat as we do not keep cattle, we only have one ox in KfarGanot and we share it. It was not always so, but until recently we could not have afforded cattle. Maybe we shall again if we continue to prosper, but we get all our dairy produce from sheep and goats so I can't see why we would bother. Anyway, our goat will be donated to the festivities. It will make a fine stew with barley and lentils...

Milchah tells me that Silas is feeling a little better but is still very weak. The infusion prescribed by Dr Sextus is wonderful stuff. It contains herbs and spices and a mystery ingredient that has come from a country far to the east. It smells really strong and clears the head, the effects last for hours. The doctor said he would call in next week so she hoped he would bring more. Yoav is very pleased that his father seems to be getting better as are we all.

Thursday 11 October 2012

We had a surprise visitor

25 Tishrei

We had a surprise visitor today. Doctor Sextus said he was just passing through the area on his way back room the coast. I think it was an excuse because we're a bit of a way from the coastal route. We do get travellers but they are usually looking for Rabbi Yeshua, it was very quiet around here before he came along.

Anyway, I introduced him to the twins. He was impressed with their progress. Apart from the spots they were really healthy. In fact, he told us, twins are often smaller than other children of the same age but my two were "impressive!" He said the itching sickness was common among Roman children too but usually passed with no lasting ill effects. He thought Devorah's treatment was excellent. Shmuli asked him if he would mind coming to see Old Silas. He could pay him...
"Of course, but we'll see if I can help him before we discuss payment."
Shmuli dashed off to get his wallet. I do hope he can help.

preparing for the pilgrims to return

24 Tishrei

It is really busy round here today. We are anticipating the return of the pilgrims so our ladies group have been trying to arrange who will do what for the welcome feast. It's not easy when the children are poorly. Milchah cannot come because her little boy now has the itchy rash. Devorah says she suspects many of the children will catch it over the next couple of weeks. Of course, it will be especially hard for he family with Silas being so ill.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Mikvah is good for the soul

23 Tishrei


Rivkah is much better now. Still itchy, but the fever has gone. Now, the babies have developed the rash, but they have it much more mildly. I guess Zippi has been developing it over the last few days she was not teething after all. At least they have not learned how to scratch yet! Much to Shmuli's relief, the smell of the lotion is less potent today. He brought his sister some honeyed wine to help her get better and took himself off to the mikvah afterwards, he said it was good for her soul and his, and besides he would not need a bath when he got home!

Perhaps my son will become a rabbi..

Monday 8 October 2012

HaShem wants us to be clean

22 Tishrei

Despite Rivkah's rash it has been a restful Feast day. Shmuli and Yoshi asked if they could avoid the "pong" of Devorah's lotion at home and spend the day with the rabbi and Eli. Later I discovered they ended up sitting with Old Silas as he has taken a turn for the worse. At least, Shmuli told me, the herbs at that house smell better than ours.

Rabbi Moshe explained to the boys that we should care for the sick even in feast days and Shabbats. Sitting with a sick man its good for both his soul and yours. All four of them went to the mikvah on the way home. Shmuli commented that HaShem was like a mum wanting boys to wash all the time. I took that as a compliment.

Saturday 6 October 2012

Rivkah is so poorly

20 Tishrei

How is it that some Shabbats are more restful than others? We planned ahead. We got everything ready, but somehow between Zippi, who was grizzly all day and appears to be teething, and Rivkah who was running a fever, I had little rest. Shmuel too spent time with Rivkah, he's the only one who can get her to drink. To finish the day she is covered with a bright red rash and is very itchy. Devorah has given us a special lotion to dab on the bumps. Shmuli had an itchy fever like this once, he's fine so I hope she will recover soon.

Friday 5 October 2012

boys don't like perfume

19 Tishrei
I spoiled myself a little today. I smelled so much of pickled fish that after bathing, I used some of that gorgeous perfume Shmuel bought me. Shmuli wanted to know why girls like soppy smells. Shmuel can't get him to believe men like them to! Still, I smell nice for Shabbat.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Can I resist cold crispy things

17 Tishrei

Tomorrow is our annual picnic in the Hula valley. Danni, Hadassah and the children are coming too. We are getting everything ready. There will be cold crispy things on this year's menu if I can avoid the temptation. It's one thing to stop everyone else eating them, but quite another stopping myself! Hadasah is organising the sweets and I'm doing the savoiries. The men and children are working in the fields and orchards today, much to Shmuli's disappointment. He's has a business idea that involves a trip to KfarNahum but he's been told he will have to wait. He says it's his best idea yet and it will make lots of money. Nonetheless, he will still have to be patient. Getting ready for winter must take priority.

Friday 28 September 2012

Yeshua divides families... what is happening to us?

12 Tishrei

Everything is changing so fast! I really can't believe the events of last week. A year ago, our village would have hidden fugitives from the Romans. But now we find ourselves giving refuge to our own kin hiding from other kinsmen. You would have thought when the promised one came, he would unite us all, but he seems to be dividing families. Sons and fathers... Mothers and daughters. What's happening to us?

Thursday 27 September 2012


I know this is late but after a very slow day yesterday as we contemplated atonement we had a very busy day today. 

It all started with a Roman patrol marching up the road past KfarGanot before dawn. They passed by on the road next to the farm. We heard the unmistakable sound of their hobnails on the stones and the clanking of their swords and shields as they continued past us towards Chorazim. It is quite some time since such a patrol has passed this way and it made me tremble. They usually mean trouble.

Shmuel was up like a shot and bundled the children off to Danni's. The twins had been fed so they went too. It was only then he told me that the judge had arranged to tip off the Romans that there may be trouble in the town today in order to buy us some time.

Time for what? I wanted to know... but before he could answer someone was hammering on the gate. It was Reuven with Miriam's guards. We weren't expecting him for a couple of weeks. They came in, all on horseback! They usually wait outside. Reuven greeted us and said there was not much time. He gave a package to Shira.

"These belong to my mistress, put them on quickly." Yonatan nodded to her and she retired to their room. Reuven gave Yonatan a fine robe to put on, saying it belonged to one of the kings men. He must be one of Miriam's rich friends.

As soon as they were ready, Yonatan and Shira were set on the horses a and they all departed, Reuven also on horseback and the guards on foot. They went up the road towards Chorazim and then down the path into the dell. An hour later the soldiers returned past the farm followed by the Centurion who visited Rabbi Moshe. We saw nothing of the men of Chorazim despite their threats of the other day.

Despite all the drama all I could think about was that I let the guests leave without serving them breakfast!

Monday 24 September 2012

A novel way to communicate

8 Tishrei

I think Devorah is enjoying the subterfuge. She dropped in early today as is her habit in cases of severe illness. We were her second call of the morning, Silas being her first. She says he is very poorly. She had brought some foul smelling concoction for me to boil up. It was strictly not for human consumption she told me, but that there were many different ways to communicate. The message, she said, should be obvious.
"If you don't like what Old Devorah's cooking up, then stay away!" It was a tactic she had used in the past when harbouring fugitives, with good effect. I thought the odour was vaguely familiar. She assured me it was a genuine medicine, but only for donkeys and then only as an ointment. Yonatan thought it was hilarious. His father had nicknamed him "Young Donkey" because he had a stubborn streak. He pulled his shawl over his nose and went back into the house.
We got used to the smell after an hour or so, but for a while it made my eyes run. Shmuli and Yoshi, however, thought Devorah was "cool" and wondered if she could teach them to make such wonderful "stinks". She just chased them out of the yard with my broom.
"What cheek!" she exclaimed with a wink and a grin. "I'll be back later with something for you if you're not careful!"
I've never seen them run so fast!

Saturday 22 September 2012

Yuk! Yuk! Yuk!

6 Tishrei

It's impossible to keep a secret round here for long! Yoshi and Shmuli came across Yonatan and Shira holding hands outside in the courtyard. Their opinion of this small sign of affection was "Yuk!" They told Shmuel that whatever makes grown ups do this must be catching. Even sensible people like Yov and Yonatan end up getting soppy about girls! They assured us they wouldn't tell a soul about it as it was too embarrassing!

The elders had a meeting at Rabbi Moshe's house this afternoon as the judge and his servant are still here. Shmuel was very quiet when he returned. Since Yonatan and Shira have left all they own behind they will be staying here for a while. Shmuel thinks it is to close to Chorazim, and that there will be trouble, we shall see, won't we?

Thursday 20 September 2012

Farewell to the pilgrims

4 Tishrei

What an amazing day! We all gathered to give the pilgrims a good send off. As well as cheering and hugging we pressed them with gifts for the journey. We waved and cheered ourselves hoarse. Miri had given all the women and girls ribbons to wave and all the little girls had invented a dance to go with the psalms we sang. Shmuli and Yoshi walked down the hill with Galit looking very sombre - as if he were going away forever!

I went home to the housework - something I have become unaccustomed to of late - and set to with a sigh.
It is going to be hard to get used to doing all this work on my own again. We do have a bread roster so that will help, at least on days it is not my turn. But I still have other chores I did not have before. Still I am so happy for them all I am sure they will be blessed. We are already making plans to give them a feast when they return, just as Azuvah did for us.

Sunday 16 September 2012

29 Elul WE'RE READY!

I needn't have worried. Everything is ready for tonight. We have prepared the food and all the men are getting their shofars ready. I'm not sure what Shmuli is doing but he's been conspicuous by his absence this afternoon. I have not seen him since lunch.  With boys that can either mean mischief or business these days. The trouble is there is no way of telling which!

Aunt Tirzah has invited all our ladies and their families to her house for the festivities. She forgot that would mean all of Azuvah's family! Milchah has had to decline since Old Silas is unwell and Yov wants them to celebrate with him. It's such a shame. But he is the oldest man in KfarGanot, he is getting quite frail. Since he helped with the threshing and winnowing he has been prone to chest trouble. It must have been the dust. It gets everywhere, but he insisted on doing his part.
"It is a sin to be idle" he would say and worked as hard as anyone.

I felt sorry for Milchah, but she insisted she would be fine. She had made a special honey cake in my kitchen to surprise them all. I shared my mother's secret recipe with her. One that Silas has always liked. I hope it raises his spirits.

Saturday 15 September 2012


Shabbat Shalom! I have been busy not being busy.  Does that make sense?  I mean I have had to expend some effort to keep from doing things.

I know it's Shabbat but second day is Yom Teruah and we must be ready for sundown tomorrow when it all begins.  Some of the smaller children told the Rabbi that they had heard moaning sounds coming from the caves. Some people think there may be a wild beast in there.  Who knows?  It’s best to leave well alone I think.

Friday 14 September 2012


We have been working hard with harvesting today. Well, I was involved with clearing out the room where Shmuel keeps his wineskins. We had to sweep up and he checked the poles where he hangs it all. We do use jars for wine too but the taste its very different. It's nice to have a choice. We can't wait until Succot when we can taste the new wine. As the year goes on, the wine ferments and the taste changes. I like it when it's sweet and new. I have always thought it can be a bit vinegary when it's old, but Shmuel disagrees. I think men like the way old wine can cheer the heart. It only makes me sleepy.

I am ready for Shabbat, but not before all the women got together with Aunt Tirzah to arrange a roster for when Chava and Galit are away. They will be gone for three weeks and we need someone to make bread and do other chores while they're gone. Becoming reliant on others does have its disadvantages.

I almost forgot! Yonatan heard about his wife Shira today. Her father is being difficult, but one of the judges had found out he won't let her leave the house. He sent word that he will be passing here in a few days and will see if he can help. I only heard part of the message but I got the impression the man knows Yeshua. I may be wrong about that though, but he does seem to have some influential friends.

Thursday 13 September 2012


I have begun busy preparing for Yom Teruah next week. If we have worked it out right it is only four days away. Rivkah and I have been preparing fruit. Making sure it is of good quality and getting bee honey and date syrup into pots. They should be coming to announce the feast and we want to be ready.

I expect Yeshua has gone to Yerushalayim for the winter feasts maybe he will rent another house else when he returns. He has hardly been home for months and it is expensive to rent a place and not live there. I hope that's all it is. The children were encouraged when Shmuel suggested it.

[Our picture today shows aa silver Drachma from Elyrus, Crete.  The images on each side are respectively a Bee, representing oney, and a Goat, representing milk.  These type of coins were minted around 400-300BCE and show the importance of a “Land of Milk & Honey” in ancient times.]

Wednesday 12 September 2012

25 Elul ~ Yeshua has gone!

We had disturbing news today. Yeshua has given up his house in KfarNahum! The boys called in while were at the market but found a man cleaning it. He said that the family of one of the fishermen would be moving in next week. Of course, the children were devastated. No Yeshua and that means Grandma Miriam won't be coming to stay. Shmuli is worried about his business too. Where will he get his customers if they are not looking for Yeshua? He asked lots of searching questions over supper.

For a youngster, he seems to have grasped the idea that their business needs to be different to succeed. There are too many people selling food in the market already. He made a success with his eggs by giving an extra one free with a bulk buy, but he said he was not sure how that would work with raisins.

Did I have any ideas?

[Our picture today shows what may well have been Yeshua's house whilst He lived in Capernaum (KfarNahum).]

Tuesday 11 September 2012

questions about growing up

24 Elul

Poor Shmuli. He asked me if I knew what made boys become so strange when they became men. I wanted to know what he meant.
"Well, they get all soppy about girls, that's what an' the girls get all soppy about them too. I just don't understand it."
I guess he doesn't, but I think this is a job for Shmuel. When I suggested he might ask his father, he said,
" I dunno'. Men are even worse, they get all soppy about babies sometimes. I'll think about it"
Oh dear I think Shmuel will have an interesting time with him over this one!

Sunday 9 September 2012

no smelly feet here

22 Elul

Yonatan has been helping with the grapes today. I was busy with other things but, judging by the state of the boys they have been helping too! They are covered with grape stains. I always thought the idea was to keep the juice in the vat but they have managed to get a fair quantity of it all over themselves... or each other, perhaps... you know what boys are like!

When Yonatan came back for lunch his feet were sore. Little Rivkah brought him a bowl of warm water and a towel. The water smelled lovely. Then I realised she had used some of my perfume! Fortunately there is plenty left. I will have to put it on a higher shelf in future. Still, Yonatan said his feet feel wonderful. Bless her!
Later, she did the same for her daddy but this time I gave her some herbs for the infusion. She is learning the principles of hospitality. I'm so proud of her. She does it without being asked, it's lovely.

Friday 7 September 2012

Where will it all end?

20 Elul

Galit arrived a little early this morning. The others were not back from the milking. He put the bread on the table and I paid him his money. It's a real luxury to have freshly baked bread delivered every day. I will be baking for Shabbat of course, but we buy all our other bread from Galit these days. We will miss the deliveries when they go to Yerushalayim next week. Three weeks of baking my own bread! Will I have time for the weaving, I wonder? In the past we have all done our own cooking and chores but over the last few months all that has changed. We have Chava doing housework, we buy in bread, we have regular hired hands on the farm and share tending the sheep with three other families. Everyone can now develop their other talents to support the family. Who would have thought our fortunes could have changed so much in such a short time?

Our latest employee,Yonatan, is sleeping in our guest room for now. He could have slept in the barn but I did not feel comfortable with that. He has lost his family on account of Yeshua and that must be terrible. He was a good friend of my sister's husband so I suppose looking out for him is a family responsibility. He says my sister is keeping well but the town is very unhappy about the judgement last week. They will be ploughing the thicket as soon as they can get organised. The children only escaped trouble because the Sanhedrin might hear of it. Not only are they rejecting Yeshua, but they are unhappy with our religious leaders now. We used to have such a good relationship with them, trading in their market and visiting the synagogue but now... Where will it all end?

Thursday 6 September 2012

Yeshua knows Hasassah's deepest longing

19 Elul

Yeshua left for KfarNahum quite early this morning. I'm sure Ya'acov will have moved on by now. Still, when it comes to brothers, people do strange things, don't they? The boys walked with Yeshua and Shim'on to the crossroads and waved until they were out of sight.

Hadassah came over early, shortly after breakfast. She seemed very excited about something, but was very quiet. (I must say, for her, that is rather unusual) It  was as if she had a secret she was bursting to share, but was holding her tongue for fear of spoiling it. She followed me round like a shadow for what seemed like hours, though it could only have been a few minutes. When I could bear it no longer, I sat her down and asked her what was up.

Before she could answer, Aunt Tirzah arrived looking for Shmuel but he had already left for the pasture. We have taken on a new hand and he is showing him the ropes. Always ready to pass on the latest news, Aunt Tirzah informed us that the man had called on them at breakfast time and was from Chorazim. His father had told him that if he had any respect for his elders, he would have stopped being sympathetic to "that heretic, Yeshua."  If not, he could get out. What a shame he arrived after the Rabbi had gone.

As we got down to work this afternoon, we finally found out why Hadassah was behaving so oddly. It seems that when Yeshua was giving thanks for the meal last night, he added something to his prayer. She wanted to know if I had told him how much they wanted another child. I assured her I had not. She was puzzled. How did he know? He had simply thanked HaShem that he had answered their prayers and that they would be new parents within the year. He had not referred to it again and they were too afraid to ask.

"If anyone knows, he does." observed Aunt Tirzah, "I am so happy for you." And so were we all.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

New food ideas

8 Elul

No matter what happens in life, you can be sure that food will be high on my family's agenda. At breakfast, the topic of conversation was yet again the "crispy things" we ate last night. I promised that I would get Milchah to make them again for tonight. Though I expect there will be two of us cooking since Shmuli has asked if his gang can come and Rivkah wants to invite Miri.
But I had one condition.
"The men who dropped in and made off with some of the freshly cooked patties will have to wait like "good boys" or they might miss out at supper!"
"But surely a man can come to his own house and have a snack when he wants!" protested Shmuel with a mischievous grin."And surely he's allowed to feed a Rabbi?"
"Not if they want a hot dinner!" I laughed. In fact we all laughed. Galit, who was eating a hearty second breakfast, promised to bring some flat bread and pickles as it sounded as if we were going to have a party.
Yeshua is eating at Hadassah's tonight, so maybe we'll let him have a taste too. He does seem to like them!

Dinner was interesting. We are finding it difficult to get the knack of eating this new food without making a mess. First Galit tried wrapping the hot "crispy things" in bread with pickles and salad but it was quite a challenge keeping it all together. We all tried but no one had much success until Shmuli pulled out his new knife and made a slit in the side of the bread. He opened it up like a pocket. From then on, it was easy. Hummus, salad, pickles, hot "crispy things" ... delicious!

Shmuli went very quiet. Was he just enjoying the food or do I sense an idea in the offing?

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Irresistible crispy things

17 Elul

Milchah should open a restaurant. She has just cooked an amazing meal. We were wondering what to do with yesterdays leftover beans and chickpeas. Usually, I would have mixed them with bulgur, oil and herbs to accompany a salad. But Milchah...

She told me her neighbours used to cook in open topped pots and she had a couple at home. Her mother in-law would not have them in the house. We sent the two girls to fetch them from the shed. We felt a little excited about doing something sneaky. Don't tell Shmuel we conspired to go behind her in-law's backs!

She set to work as I watched and tended to my spinning. l was intrigued. First, she ground the beans and chickpeas with a stone until they became a mush. Then she mixed in onions, spices and herbs thickening the mix with a little flour. All the while, she was heating some oil in the pot, more oil than I was used to cooking with. She said her neighbours used to cook meat in the oil, but she used this bean mixture. She rolled it into little balls and cooked them in the pot fishing them out with a wooden spoon.  Her brothers loved it. They had named the patties  "crispy things" she tells me,  "well, because they are crispy!"

The "crispy things" were so hot... so crunchy on the outside... and so... so... soft on the inside. What is more, they are incredibly delicious. The best food ever! You can keep your southern fried chicken and omelettes I could live on these quite happily!

Half way through the afternoon, Shmuel and Yeshua came back saying they were hungry. I guess the scrumptious smell was carried  on the breeze. My husband helped himself to some of the food and gave some to Yeshua. Milchah and I chased them from the yard giggling and telling them to wait "like good boys".
"I'll tell your mother!" I called after them as they ran down the road. They thought it was hilarious!

Milchah warned me to keep an eye on the oil... not to let it smoke. Otherwise the "crispy things" are so easy and quick. And to my surprise she says they are equally as tasty cold! But, I asked  myself, would they ever last long enough to get cold?

I don't what has happened to Shmuel. He always used to prefer traditional cooking. But these "crispy things" are a big hit with every one. Milchah cooked so many of them but they all disappeared very quickly. Shmuli asked if he could have some for Galit

Yoshi to try, but there were none left!

I'll have to get Milchah to make some more tomorrow.

[the origin of the word “falafel” is long forgotten, but some dictionaries suggest it is related to an Arabic word for “crispy or crunchy]

Sunday 2 September 2012

Yeshua's Father?

15 Elul

The elders all disappeared to Uncle Shaul's last night so Yov and Ya'acov came here. I later discoveredthey would be going round the village tomorrow, to collect grain for Azavah's family so thatwe allshare the cost. I went to bed early leaving them to talk. They included Shmuli in their conversation as he was representing the men of the house, but he told me as he was on his way to bed that they had talked a lot about weddings,"Yuk!"

Ya'acov left early this morning to go down to KfarNahum. It is unlikely his brother will be home, but he plans to stay at the house. Cephas's mother and sister are minding it so they can let him in. He told Shmuel that he thought he could talk to some of the callers to find out what people are saying-he wants to find out what strangers think of Yeshua, people who haven't met him. What are their expectations? Who told them where to come, that sort of thing. He keeps his thoughts to himself, but we have gathered that he has a reputation for being very devout. We have seen his dedication for ourselves, and Shmuel learned from one of the junior judges that the Sanhedrin here and in Yerushalayim itself have a lot of respect for him. Yov reminded us how he knew people at the temple, too. I suppose that is why he is making the effort to find out what all the fuss is about.

Just a quick PS. As we were sitting down to supper we heard a knock at the door. It was Shim'on and Yeshua. Of course we were overjoyed. We sat down together, and Yeshua broke bread at Shmuel's insistence- there's something about the way he does it.

Over the meal we told him that he had just missed Ya'acov he could meet up with him in KfarNahum but he said,
"Ah! Ya'acov, always seeking to understand! My Father has a work for him too! He will lead him into all truth..."

But I thought his father was dead...?