Rut of KfarGanot

Saturday 1 September 2012

Ya'acov and Shmuel go head to head entertaining babies

14 Elul

Shmuli was so sweet last night. When Shmuel told him about the money he looked at his father and said,
"But Dad, Galit's family gave so much that they can't go to Yerushalayim for Sukkot. We can start again with the chickens, but they've never been up to a feast an' they are all so looking forward to it!"
Shmuel promised he'd see what could be done about it. He disappeared for about an hour. I think he went to see the rabbi as he told me the elders are eating at Uncle Shaul's tonight.

Ya'acov has spent the day with us. I found out he's quite good at calming crying babies. He pulls faces and makes silly noises just like Shmuel. In fact, they got quite competitive about it. What is it with men that they have to turn everything into a contest? Whatever the reason, the twins were fascinated and responded with a few silly noises of their own before falling into a sound sleep.

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