Rut of KfarGanot

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Helpful husbands...It will never last!

27 Tevet
I don't suppose I'll ever find out what really happened at the meeting hall last night. My husband is making himself useful around the house. It's just not normal...I don't suppose it will last. He volunteered to wash up tonight again! Rabbi Moshe said, in Shmuel's hearing, "Rut, make sure there are lots of dishes!"
I have spent the last two days washing and darning, at least the "old best clothes" will be good for work clothes. I found out, at the well, that all the other husbands are being uncharacteristically helpful too. I know that the Rabbi is behind it. I doubt he would have got them to wash and mend their own clothes, that would be going too far. He's a wise old man, we are very lucky to have him. Most places don't have a resident rabbi.
Uncle Shaul is throwing a party for the baby but he says there will be "no excess" of wine. Shmuel and Danni have raided their savings and gone to market, I'm not sure why, but they have taken the donkey and the boys cart. A couple of the men have gone with them. They looked like a group of naughty boys caught stealing raisins from the kitchen as they awaited in the yard...looking at their feet and shuffling.

I'd give anything to know what Rabbi Moshe said to them last night, the results, though, are interesting to watch!

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