Rut of KfarGanot

Friday 30 November 2012

What a busy week!

16 Kislef
What a busy week! I don't feel that I have done much though. I mean, nothing business wise. The nearest I got was draught proofing the weaving shed with discarded fleece and old rags. The wind has been quite chilly of late and it does affect your work when you are shivering.
I tried to get Shmuel to tell me what Reuven wanted, but he just said I'd find out soon enough. He's been spending a lot of time with his baskets lately, even making them by lamplight as we share our stories from the day. It must have something to do with that. He does have a habit of keeping me guessing. He enjoys giving me hints that give nothing away. I did eventually get him to say that I'd see more of him I if it worked out, but that tells me nothing really, he's always under my feet as it is!

Thursday 29 November 2012

The Kings fringe

15 Kislef
I didn't have to wait long to find out what Reuven thought about the king and the funeral. He sent Yonah with a message for Shmuel and a little gossip for me. I don’t know what he wanted with Shmuel, he wasn’t saying, but the gossip was sweet. One of the women from Migdal who had processed the order for the palace had come to the funeral. She remembered the cloak because of it’s quality. She had noticed that King Herod had had a fringe added. Well, of course, he had every right to add one - a royal one. There is a fringe only a King can wear, just as Rabbis have special ones. Yonah wondered if Reuven could advertise the garments “as worn by the king...” but I doubt it, Herod might not take kindly to having his name used like that!
He asked if we had seen Rabbi Yeshua, some friends of his mistress (Miriam of Migdal) wanted him to hurry to Yerushalayim as their brother was ill and may be dying. I was so sorry to have to say that I had no idea, all we knew was that he had left KfarNahum last week.

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Chava is quite a celebrity

14 Kislef
Azuvah wasted no time she has been telling everyone about the king! It seems that she also saw him wearing the cloak. One of her little ones had tripped and grazed his knee so she stopped to see to him by the roadside. She saw "the cloak walk by" as she put it. As she glanced up to see who was wearing it she had a fright. She fell on her face and did not dare move!
Chava is so embarrassed she stayed in our yard all day I could not coax her out. I was able to confirm to Aunt Tirzah that the story was true when she came to the weaving shed this afternoon. That meant the whole tale did the rounds all over again and that Chava is now quite a celebrity. I hope she will feel less shy about it tomorrow.
Milkah will be staying home for the first week of mourning. That is the duty of a daughter in law. Vered and Hadassah took their turns sitting with them today. The old lady is very tearful, but she is grateful to have Eli there. I minded the baby for a while this morning, I think the adults appreciate the break, though it is good to have a youngster around as a reminder that life goes on.
I wonder what Reuven will have to say when see him next...

Tuesday 27 November 2012

The king walked beside us. We were scared to death!

13 Kislef
KfarGanot is a small place. Everyone was involved in the funeral procession. Women always go first, then the pallbearers, followed by the men and musicians. Anyone else, not closely involved follows afterwards. I came to be at the back with Chava and two of her sisters as we were minding the toddlers and babies. That's how we witnessed a strange event.
We could see the men ahead of us jostling to carry Old Silas to the resting place of his fathers. We could not hear the tributes paid along the way, but there were many. As we got down the hill, some soldiers approached on horseback but instead of ordering us off the road as they usually did, they waited in silence. We were right at the back as I said. Imagine our surprise that we actually saw King Herod (Antipas) get out of his carriage and walk beside us. We did not know where to look. I had heard stories that he would do this, but had not really believed them. We were scared to death, as well we might be, you don't look at the king! He might have you flogged or worse. We held the children tight. He was so close we could see what he was wearing. It was unmistakable. I recognized it instantly. It was the cloak Chava had made! The one Reuven had liked so much. Chava saw it too. Who would believe it if told them?

Sunday 25 November 2012

Silas has died. An old man who has fulfilled his years

11 Kislef
I was awoken this morning by the unmistakable sound of mourning. Rivkah and Shmuli came to get into bed with me. We just held each other close. There is something about that sound that is so final. My heart went out to Eliyahu and his family. Shmuel came back from Eliyahu's goats as the rest of us were getting up. He had gone out to them early so that Shmuli would not be out there alone when the mourners took up their cry.
He just said, "It's over."
"I'll go and fetch the baby straight after breakfast" I told him.
"OK, Honey. Where's Chava?"
"Azuvah is first on the list to sit with the family. I expect she's dealing with family stuff."
Just then, Chava arrived with a rather tearful Lud and one of her mother's little ones.
"I hope you don't mind..."
"No. We'll just have a creche here like we always do."
The little girl climbed up on Shmuel's knee and have him a big wet kiss.
"She does that to everyone " Chava apologised, "You can see why mother couldn't take her to Eliyahu's"
"She'll be fine here." laughed Shmuel giving her some bread dipped in honey, "Let's get on with the chores is going to be a busy day."

Friday 23 November 2012

Old Silas is fading fast

9 Kislef

Sorry this is short. Old Silas is fading fast. We have been taking turns to help the family out. I have been babysitting all day. Caring for three takes it out of you a bit. I did not realise how stretched I was, even with Chava to help. Still, we are finally ready for Shabbat. I can rest then.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

I do believe Yov winked at me!

6 Kislef

You know how it is with newly weds, they have more interesting things on their minds than cooking and chores. I thought it would be nice to call in with some food... bread and something for their dinner. Perhaps I might be able to get a peek at what all the secrecy was about. That was not why I went, you understand, but I did hope... Anyway, I packed up my gift and went over. I knocked on the door which was answered by Yov who said he was just on his way out. I'm sure he winked at me as I went in.
To my surprise, Aunt Tirzah, Hadassah, Yemimah and Devorah were already there! There was a pile of flat bread on the table and pots of stew by the stove. As I was taking all this in, Azuvah arrived wanting to know where Yov was off to in such a hurry.
Vered just laughed and we visitors all looked at the floor. It was that obvious. We had driven him out of his own home. A well mannered man would be obliged to step outside in our company!
"We wondered how long it would take you," she teased, "We are amazed at your strength of will!"
Well really! But that's Vered for you. Straight to the point.
"I suppose you want a guided tour?"
We supposed we did.
"Well, this is the kitchen..."
"Where's all your pots and pans?" asked Azuvah, always the practical one
"In here," Vered opened a door and revealed a cupboard you could walk into with shelves all round the walls. All her kitchen stuff was stacked neatly out of sight until she needed it.
"Town houses have walk in cupboards like this in every room. I think they call them closets. Ya'akov put one in each of our rooms here too."
"In the bedroom?" said Aunt Tirzah open-mouthed
"Of course, is great to keep clothes and shoes in!"
The bedroom, well I doubt Herod himself has a nicer one. The bed, draped with curtains stood in the middle. Not like in our house in a niche in the wall. On the bed was my bedspread and a silk cushion. I recognized the pattern... it was one I wove for Reuven when I was with the co op. The window... the room had a window... looked out over Kinneret. It had a curtain and a wooden shutter for the winter.
"There is more..." Vered began
We gasped as one. We had been aware that Yov had built a room on the roof but from the village it was not clear why. The house stood on the edge of a steep drop so we could not see the other side.
We made our way upstairs, there was another bedroom similar to the first and a balcony with a stupendous view right across Kinneret. The recent rain had brought an end to the haze that shrouds the lake in summer. It was stunning! There was a framework of beams to grow a vine or two next year, but for now, woollen tent material was providing the shade. We were speechless.
Vered insisted we stay for lunch, after all she had a kitchen full of food and she and Yov would never be able to eat it all on their own.
Just then, Yov, Shmuel and Danni arrived with the children.
They had a good laugh at our expense but, then, I suppose we deserved it!

Monday 19 November 2012

Old Silas calls for the Elders

5 Kislef

Old Silas called all the elders to see him this morning. They prayed with him and talked as he drifted in and out of sleep. Shmuel said he feels the old man will not be with us much longer. Rabbi Moshe and Eli stayed at the house to witness his blessings. As Shmuel and Danni left the family went in to see him. He had also requested that the little gang and their fathers call round this afternoon. Shmuli looked worried. He wondered what naughty thing they could have done. He really likes Silas and he thought he liked them. I wonder what makes little boys fear the worst like that?

Sunday 18 November 2012

Yeshua came to supper

4 Kislef

I think I mentioned that Rabbi Yeshua came to the wedding. Well, he stayed on to spend time with Rabbi Moshe. He was at synagogue yesterday so Shmuel asked him to dinner. He arrived shortly after the end of Shabbat. I invited Hadassah to bring her family so they brought their supper over and we turned it into a party. The children hung on Yeshua's every word. The girls began to tell him how they spent the night with the bride to be.
"What did you take with you?" he asked
"We took lamps!" exclaimed Miri, "just like the big girls!"
"And did you take anything else?"
"Um..." Rivkah looked thoughtful,
"What makes a lamp work?" prompted Yemimah
"Ooh! I know!" Miri was fit to burst "Oil! Grandma made me take a jar of oil!"
"That was very wise of Grandma." Yeshua smiled. "That reminds me of a story."
We were all ears...

After supper, just as I was about to clear away the dishes, Yeshua told me to wait.
"I think you have a story to share?"
"I do?"
"I tried to call on you the other day but you had banned everyone from the house!"
It was true, I had. When putting my symbols of marriage away after the wedding I had discovered one of the coins was missing. It had been my mother's and would one day be Rivkah's. I had swept the house from top to bottom until I found it in the corner by the oven where it must have rolled. It took me hours I was already embarrassed, but even more so now that I knew he had tried to visit!
I flushed and stammered as I explained what had happened. I told him how overjoyed I was and that I had run round to Auntie and Hadassah and my neighbors to tell them all about it.
"It's just like that when a sinner truly repents," he explained, "The angels get really excited and tell each other the good news."
Imagine that... I always thought angels were solemn and serious!

Saturday 17 November 2012

Vered is a formidable woman

3 Kislef

I am just sitting here after lunch thinking that it was a terrific wedding. Despite organising so much of what went on I did get time to join in. Miriam of Migdal arranged for some people to wait table which took some of the pressure off. It was her gift to Vered. She wanted to "bless a talented weaver" she said. Anyway, we witnessed the wedding as best we could because of the crush. Then to the feast... every available space in Uncle's house... the tent... the roof was taken. Shmuel and I were close enough to hear the speeches. Typical wedding speeches you know the sort of thing, people doing their best to make the bride or groom blush. There were plenty of speeches, one I remember was from one of Yov's cousins. He said,
"I remember Yov being a very headstrong young man. We used to say it would take a very formidable woman to domesticate him."
"She's certainly that!" interjected Uncle Shaul rather too loudly.
You should have seen the look my aunt have him. The whole place erupted with laughter!
Everyone was quite merry by then and
after that the dancing began. Shmuel and Shmuli, Danni and Yoshi and a few others joined Rabbi Moshe providing the music. It went on late into the night and the dancers reeled and swayed as we waited for news from the marital chamber. I don't recall when that came exactly, I woke up to feed the twins in the small hours to find I was asleep in my aunt's back room! I had obviously gone there to feed them some hours before and had nodded off! The music had stopped by then. As I said it was a terrific wedding!

Friday 16 November 2012

Yov was overwhelmed

2 Kislef

We were incredibly busy yesterday but I will fill you in on the highlights. The maidens accompanying the bride included my little Rivkah. She and Miri looked lovely, dressed in their best following the bride and groom as they left Hadassah's house to go to the wedding. Miri had never been to a wedding but you'd never have guessed. They had waited all night with Vered and not fallen asleep...much. Hadassah later told me that the young women had been on their best behaviour because of the children... Not a bit like us, when we were younger we spent a few nights with brides in waiting and I remember what we talked about. Perhaps she dozed off...

Enough of that. Yov was overwhelmed by the number of family who turned up. He was completely unaware they were coming. The place was packed. Not only that Rabbi Yeshua was here with the Talmidim, it seems some of them are family to Yov and they invited the others. He travels with so many people but thankfully they did not all come or we may have had another wine crisis! Suffice to say everyone was extremely merry by the time the speeches began...

Thursday 15 November 2012

It's the wedding we're so busy!

Kislef 1

I'm off to Aunt Tirzah's in a minute. It was chaos this morning with everyone trying to eat and get on with the chores. We had Grandma Miriam's porridge as it was easy and everyone took Galit's bread out with them. They were to be back as soon possible. We have hired extra help for the next few days especially for Yov and Vered's farm. They will have other things on their mind for the next few days! Devorah and I are organizing things while Aunt Tirzah takes charge of the young women attends to her daughter’s outfit. Yov has at last removed the rope from around the house, but we are far too busy to indulge our curiosity. I don’t suppose I will get much time to tell you all about it today, so you will have to be patient. I will say though, that if we run out of wine this time everyone will be too drunk to move.
I’d better dash, I’m late and Yov’s family are arriving from Migdal where they have been staying. I’m not sure, but I thought I saw Mattiyahu and Kepha among them... I may be wrong, but perhaps Rabbi Yeshua might turn up. Yov would love that!
“OK Shmuel, I’m going now...!”

Tuesday 13 November 2012

The bread was late

28 Cheshvan

I don't know what happened this morning. Lud was late with the bread. Galit has been sending him the last few mornings as he gets the delivery ready for KfarNahum. That meant Shmuli left late and everyone was running behind. I hope the bread got to Avner in time, they are doing a roaring trade in breakfasts for Roman soldiers these days, so I hear. They must be, since the money the boys are earning seems to be an awful lot. Shmuel has had to get a bigger jar and Shmuli is rapidly filling his dad's old one.
I must get on have a lot of catching up to do. Sorry it is sort today, but there's a wedding...

For more see

Monday 12 November 2012

We're getting ready for a wedding

27 Cheshvan

We are getting ready for the wedding! The tent is up and we have been laying straw on the ground so that we can put carpets on top. The younger girls had fast fun trampling it down to make the ground level. There will be cushions and hangings too, particularly where the guests of honor sit, but we shall finish all that off later. For the feast itself, the tent will be open at the sides, but Uncle insists we close it up at night, he wants the best for his daughter.
It is not going to be a conventional wedding. It is being held at the bride's home, at least, the feast is. I believe the chuppah will be set up at Yov's house though. It will be our first chance to see inside, he still has it roped off with a large notice outside that says, "No women or girls allowed!" with a quick note underneath that says "except Rivkah of course!" My daughter has really proved her ability to keep a secret. She has told me precisely nothing!

Vered has arranged to spend the night of waiting at Hadassah's so they are all coming here. She has asked for Rivkah and Miri to join the young women that night. Hadassah and I thought they were a little young, but Chava has promised to keep an eye on them, so eventually we relented. I suppose I'll have to look out my best lamp for Rivkah. We have to do it properly!

For more see

Thursday 8 November 2012

washing for Shmuli

23 Cheshvan

Shmuli fell into the mud again yesterday. I had to spend some time washing his work clothes as he is down to his last set today. I dried clothes for tomorrow by the fire- he'll most likely fall into something else today. He seems to think I won't mind if he falls on something soft. I suppose that's better than hurting himself. He was really poorly when he fell off the wall last year... my! Is that really a year ago? So much has happened. HaShem brought so many people into our lives all because of a new olive press.

Milkah told me this morning that her father in law was feeling very frail these days. He only eats broth and has a terrible cough. He refuses to let them call for Yeshua. He says the Rabbi has more important things to do than come all this way to talk to an old man. His time has come and he is ready to go.

I really feel for Eliyahu, I remember when Shmuel's father died. He has a lot of responsibility to take on. It can't be easy as Silas gets more sick as the days go by.

For more see

Wednesday 7 November 2012

A song to HaShem

22 Cheshvan

I managed to get away for a few minutes this afternoon. Aunt Tirzah had forgotten to bring her needle box, so I offered to fetch it. It was a welcome relief from standing at the loom reaching up high for hours on end. As I crossed the square I was struck by the sound of work in progress. Women were singing traditional rhythmic weaving songs and the men singing as they worked in the fields. I could hear their deep voices echo back from across the valley.
"We plough the fields and sow the seed HaShem will send the rain
If we are faithful in our part
He'll assure the grain..."
And the women answer from the weaving sheds,
"The yarn,we send it to and fro
to and fro, to and fro
The yarn we send it to and fro
And keep the tension even ..."

Then the girls chimed in with nursery rhymes for the little ones. It was a magical moment. One of those times that make life special and worth all the hardships.
What if the angels are singing too as they work?...
I had to tear myself away. I had work to do and a song to sing. What a privilege to be part of it all.

For more go to

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Let's get weaving

21 Cheshvan

The women are spending every spare minute weaving while everyone else who is fit and able able is ploughing and sowing like crazy in an effort to catch up and get the barley planted. How did we all get so behind? It's not just us, it's everybody. We have a creche at our house and we have just about every small child in KfarGanot in my kitchen! Mothers are turning up periodically to feed their offspring while young girls like Miri and Rivkah babysit. It's chaos! On top of that Yov and Vered are getting married next week. Uncle Shaul took delivery of a tent yesterday as he is worried about the weather and he won't get all the guests in his house even though it is by far the largest in the village. Someone ifs going to have to find time to erect it and get everything ready. Aunt Tirzah tells me that many of Yov's family will be coming he hasn't seen them for years. That is a surprise Uncle has arranged. He has fifty cousins, she says, not to mention their wives and children! I'm sure she's exaggerating, it wouldn't be the first time. But it is going to be a big event!

Sunday 4 November 2012

boys or business men or both?

19 Cheshvan
Well, Shmuli reminded us he's still a boy yesterday. It resulted in Shmuel applying some discipline in the traditional way. I heard that Yoshi, Galit and Lud had appointments with their fathers too. They had been caught using the olive mats to slide downhill on a muddy slope. I had to laugh but managed to wait till I was alone. I doubt either Shmuel or Shmuli found it at all funny.
They spent the day fixing the roof and I sorted the wardrobe. Shmuli didn't enjoy trying things on much, he never does, but Rivkah loved it. She is helping making winter baby clothes in various sizes, they will grow quite a lot over the coming months. As I tried my winter robes I couldn't help noticing I now have a waist again after all these months. I have been so busy I hadn't noticed how trim I have become!
I tried to ask Shmuel about Silas, I had heard Rabbi Yeshua is in KfarNahum. He didn't say much, but I gather the old man does not want us to trouble him. He says he is more than four score years old and HaShem has given him more years than most men. If his time has come, he is ready. Milkah didn't come today so I can't tell you anything else. I will let you know if I hear.
For more, see

Saturday 3 November 2012

Don't wait up

18 Cheshvan
Shabbat Shalom! For us as a family it was a quiet day. There was, I thought, a slight chill in the air first thing and a bit of a rain shower, but it didn't last for long. I heard this afternoon that Old Silas is not doing so well. The damp did not sit well on his chest despite Dr Sextus's remedies. He has asked for the elders to visit him and pray this evening. They are going after supper. Shmuel told us not to wait up. I do hope he will be all right.

For more, see

Friday 2 November 2012

check the wardrobe for winter oh! and don't forget the roof

17 Cheshvan
We finally finished pickling and salting. Not a moment too soon. We had our first shower of rain today. Just a hint, mind you, but a reminder that we need to get the ploughing under way. It never stops. Always something to do on a farm. I will check the winter wardrobe after Shabbat. I think Shmuli and Rivkah will need their clothes adjusted. They have grown so much in the last twelve months. Still, I left plenty of room for growth last year so it should not be difficult. Shmuel said he would check the roof on the first day next week- he doesn't want a repeat of last year's disaster!

For more, see

Thursday 1 November 2012

Herod wants Galilean goods

16 Cheshvan
Miriam left for KfarNahum after lunch. She purchased a couple of jars of the pickles she had helped make. I really do think she enjoyed the visit. I assured her we would be weaving again soon. I don't think I mentioned that she told us Reuven had sold all our goods for an excellent price and that he had secured orders from the palace of Herod himself! It seems that they want traditional Galilean garments as well as luxury goods. They are very popular among the Roman soldiers as as they are good protection against wind and rain. I never realised that. All our men are well kitted out for winter and it seems the Romans will pay good money for such clothes. I am sure Chava can cope with this order with a little help from Hadassah and I.
For more, see